Saturday, December 17, 2005

The Perhapanauts Are Here!

Have you ever seen something out of the corner of your eye, but when you look back, nothing's there? Ever hear someone talking upstairs, but you know you're the only one in the house? Or have you ever had that feeling that you know something's watching you from the corner of your room when you wake up in the dark? Well, brother, fear not. The Perhapanauts are on the job against the things that should not be! But they themselves are the stuff of fantasy, myth, legend and nightmare. The first Dark Horse issue of the Perhapanauts finally fell into my hands and I read it rabidly. Similar to Craig Bogart's book The Ineffables, The Perhapanauts is funny, smart and well-drawn, though maybe not as esoteric. I can't wait for the second issue!